Drawn to the water, land, and my surroundings, I begin with the surface and movement and then dig deeper to unearth the stories that the land and atmosphere are trying to tell me.

These stories of human displacement, injustice, generational trauma, and continuous harm to nature are part of a larger dialogue that forms our shared history.

Water is a powerful element and not to be taken for granted.
Capturing a range of archeological components, from ancient history to the present time, into a visual painting, the way I depict water and land is critical, both figuratively and metaphorically.

Composing work that reflects and promotes the importance of the natural world is vital to my artistic practice.

There is almost no news coverage about the effects of rising sea levels on the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. Many people there, and around the world, have already lost their homes, livelihoods, and communities.

Through my compositions, I document and uncover narratives of the marginalized and underrepresented. These points of view comprise our collective experience of fact and fiction.

Please view more of my developing Unearthing Series